Technical Security Systems
Security equipment – are a combination of hardware and software that provides control, integrity and safety against fires in the area, spaces, warehouses and other control objects and subjects. It is no secret that the basis of modern security equipment for various purposes is precisely the technical side. The technical means used in the complex and strengthened by the physical units can completely protect a certain territory. Technical Guard – is the most requested type of service supported by special technical means. It represents a whole system of protection and monitoring tools with the forces of the rapid intervention teams that must act promptly at the received alarm signal.
Structure of the Technical Guard
The signal from the sensors is received by the control panel on the shortest communication. This type of channel can be internet, telephone line or mobile internet. At the client’s request, the alarm or control signals may arrive parallel to the client’s phone. The rapid response group reacts immediately to the alarm signal.
The implementation of the technical guard guarantees a complete set of professional equipment including: