Escort of persons and wealth
Innovative technologies allow you to clean any machine without problems, pick up cargo of any size, as well as steal or cause harm to transported persons. Protection and Escort of cargo – a reliable means of personal and property safety on the road. Regardless of the destination and transport used for the transfer, the convoy will protect the transported valuables.
The range of services includes:
Escort can be set not only for goods, but also for individuals. The concept of protecting people is not much different, but there is an exception if a child is taken under protection.
Choosing the best mode of transport for transporting things and valuables
A convoy of one or more armed guards capable of providing protection in an emergency
Building a safe route that minimizes the chance of an attack
Cargo escort
Safety during transportation of valuable goods is ensured by escort. A machine carrying valuables is followed by a car with a group of guards equipped with firearms, body armor and a GPS beacon to call for reinforcements. The convoy must ensure the safety of the transported cargo – this is the main task for the guards. Maintenance can take place both in the territory of Moldova and in other countries.